1 definition by Anwarbti

Noun: An all knowing, all powerfull FPGA GOD! Able to reduce Carnot Maps in a blink of an eye, while multching on peanuts and satued mushrooms. See also Altera PR Department.

Verb: To dismiss morons with a evil stare, often using the backhand.

Adj: Excessively relying on hand technique of reducing Carnot Maps. Also to believe in the utter superiority of Altera.
Noun: Dude hide the peanuts, I see a Neudorf coming.

Verb: Don't make me Neudorf you!

Adj: Why are you looking at all those 1's and 0's. That's the most Neudorf thing you've done
by Anwarbti October 4, 2006
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