1 definition by Anonymouse UDer

43rd U.S. President. Replaced by 44th U.S. President Barack Obama January 21, 2009. Booed out of the white house by spectators while they sang Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye, Video can be found on youtube. The reason we are having hard times making ends meet. the reason the US economy is in the shitter, resulting in high gas prices, bank foreclosures and more people losing their homes because they cant pay their taxes. the reason people are saving as much money as they can and cutting back, The reason we have to come up with alternative fuels like biodiesel and hydrogen fuel, the reason the US dollar doesn't buy shit anymore and isn't worth as much as it used to, the reason more of our troops are in iraq when they could be home with their families, the reason manufacturing jobs are all in china and products made today are junk and never last for anything (take box fans and plasma TVs for example)
The economy really sucks right now thanks alot George W. Bush for screwing it up. Obama can change our economy I know he can, if he can then kudos to him.
by Anonymouse UDer March 14, 2009
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