1 definition by AnonymousTroll

Possibly one of the greatest trolls to ever post on the RSBot forums. Anx was banned for almost a whole month from trolling and whatnot, then a week later he gains moderator status. He continued to troll, most didn't even know he was, until he resigned from mod. He did some more trolling and helped remove some fucked up staff members. He than regained moderator status and once again resigned because he realized the admins are a bunch of fucking pedos who don't do shit. So, Anx has helped remove many faggots from the forum: Francisco, Gotcha, Toast, etc.
Anx: Lol, just got unbanned, time to kiss sara's ass and report a shit load of posts, and maybe get mod

Sara: soup anx you can get mod now enjoy plox

Anx: lolololol

Ragingfaggot#1: Dude wtf how u get mod

Anx: idunno lol

Ragingfaggot#2: Wow fuck this i gonna cut my wrists

Anx: rofl u do that
by AnonymousTroll May 29, 2010
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