1 definition by Anastasia Dimitrie

Noah is the best thing that will ever happen to you! He will always be there when you need him even through the really hard times. He is understanding, compassionate, adorable and incredibly loving. He's a little bit of a dork when it comes to movies but if you listen to him rant about Quentin Terrintino for a while, he'll really listen to whatever you have to say! He will be the most loveable little goofball you will ever meet (not to mention he is super hot ;) <3
Alison: Wow Noah is seriously the sexiest beast on the planet! Plus he's smart and funny and sweet! How did you snag him?

Anastasia: I wonder that every day! There is no way any girl on the planet could ever deserve someone as perfect as him and i still don't know why he picked me!!

Alison: I'm toads jellin
by Anastasia Dimitrie March 22, 2012
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