3 definitions by Alina Evelyn Katy Johansson

The name of the dent under my right boob that is the shape of Texas
Lally Grew.
by Alina Evelyn Katy Johansson January 30, 2022
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when one is cold, sad, mad, tired, hungry and happy at the same time. usually used when you are very mad/sad about one thing, and somewhat happy about another, or the other way around.
person: omg I’m literally so slepep right now, I don’t know what to do with myself.
by Alina Evelyn Katy Johansson December 8, 2021
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when you try to type "wanna" but have a typo so you type "wanan". Then you get really excited about it so you start spamming it to the point where it now autocorrects to it. :D
Person 1: I really wanan hangout today
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
Person 2: WANAN
by Alina Evelyn Katy Johansson January 12, 2022
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