3 definitions by Adam499

A long t-shirt, reaching down to the wearer's knees.

This fashion trend originated many years ago in the poorer black neighborhoods, where families could not afford to buy new clothes, therefore younger kids wound up wearing clothes which no longer fit their older siblings and/or parents. Being several sizes too large, the shirts often reached the wearer's knees.

One of many current fashion trends derived from practices of lower-class memebers of society used several decades ago.
guy 1: Nice tall tee
guy 2: No man, i ain't got no cash for a new shirt, so i wear my dad's old one even though it looks like a woman's nightgown on me!
by Adam499 May 6, 2008
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When a person rolls up the leg of their pants, solely on the right side, usually to right below the knee

This fashion trend originated many years ago in the poorer neighborhoods, where most could not afford cars, or public transit to get to work, so they rode their bicycles instead. The pant leg on the right side was rolled up to keep it clean and prevent it from touching the chain of the bike or getting suck between the chain and the front sprocket.

One of many current fashion trends derived from practices of lower-class memebers of society used several decades ago.
guy 1: Yo man you took your bike into work again didn't you?
guy 2: Oh, did i forget to roll my pant leg back down again?
guy 1: Yeah, you got ghetto leg
by Adam499 May 6, 2008
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A piece of cloth worn over the head.

This fashion trend originated many years ago in the poorer black neighborhoods, where people of African-American descent, most of which had curly hair, used many products to straighten their hair, in order to stand out less, since most Caucasian people had straight hair. The do-rag was used to keep the hair in place while the products took effect, allowing the wearer to straighten their hair while continuing to go about their daily activities.

One of many current fashion trends derived from practices of lower-class members of society used several decades ago.
guy 1: Want some new do-rags?
guy 2: No, my hair is straight enough as it is.
by Adam499 May 6, 2008
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