5 definitions by Abel McCain

A deliberate misuse of the word "obviously" used with lashings of irony and/or sarcasm. Used in its purest form, it should sound to the other person as though you are agreeing with what they are saying but to anyone with half a brain the opposite is true. It is a perfectly acceptable response to someone who has just said something utterly stupid.
"Look, it wasn't my fault I wrote off the car. They should never have put a goddamn telegraph pole there in the first place!" "Odviously"
by Abel McCain February 9, 2010
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badly drunk, having consumed more than the eight drinks which would usually be enough for the average person to become very merry
"I didn't think twice, I was three or four over the eight, I didn't care if the girl was a coyote date" from the song "You'll Do"
by Abel McCain December 3, 2008
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An obsessive compulsion to steal guitars regardless of one's economic circumstances or, indeed, one's ability to play the instruments in question.
" Who was that girl who just walked out with Ellie's blue guitar?" "I dunno, but my strat has gone too." "OMG! You don't think she's a fretokleptomaniac do you?!? Shit! Check the goddamn basement!!!"
by Abel McCain December 29, 2010
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a member of the opposite sex with whom you wish you hadn't slept the night before and only did so because you were one or moreover the eight
"I didn't think twice, I was three or four over the eight, I didn't care if the girl was a coyote date" from the song "You'll Do"
by Abel McCain December 3, 2008
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A specific form of chicanery. Pretending to be a made up personality, usually just for the hell of it but sometimes with a view to carrying out a con or other criminal ruse.
"People reckon Bruno and Borat are original, but it's just McCainery"
"He told me he'd come to read the gas meter but when he'd gone so had my jewellry box" "That's not just chicanery, that's criminal McCainery"
by Abel McCain July 29, 2009
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