1 definition by ABC1950

A DC fanboy is A dilluded person who thinks DC is the best simply because of the dark knight trillogy in which batman is there only well represented character as every other movie is a flop(man of steel and green lantern). A dc fanboy is also somoene who can't admit that marvel currently are way ahead on the movie front as they are consistent and regularly release films (avengers, captain america, guardians of the galaxy, thor, iron man, ant man, spiderman, and xmen films). A Dc fanboy will also declare that certain marvel movies are shit even if they haven't seen that movie, they will also ignore the fact that marvel are alot more original and actually take risks as DC have only used 3 characters on the big screen (batman several times, superman several times and the green lantern (major flop)).
Heathe is an absolute DC Fanboy
by ABC1950 November 25, 2015
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