1 definition by A kid that lives here

A small town located in southern New Hampshire. A town with a generally wealthy population. Kids however don't drive Ferrari's, are typically quite stupid, and assholes. Houses range from large to small. Most families don't own more than two houses, boats, and all that shit. Typically a nice house with a pool and a few cars. They don't believe themselves to be elite. Hated on ALOT. Nothing to do except for Canobie over in Salem. They suck at sports. D3 most sports. So shut the fuck up. It's a nice town. We're not all spoiled. We don't have hellicopters and Ferraris. Oh and by the way, the H is silent dumbasses.
Hey Windham's a pretty nice town right?

Oh Yeah, I'd love to live there.
by A kid that lives here July 23, 2011
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