1 definition by A Nightborn

Probably one of the kindest and sweetest high elf souls you'll ever meet, there is truly nobody else like her. She's super pretty, has the healthiest-looking skin and glowing red eyes. And she's so tall too! But I guess you need a really big frame like that to support a heart as big as the one she has. She's fiercely loving and protective of her family but also very accepting of newcomers. Easily one of the most approachable high elves you'll ever find in all of Tamriel. And she's also a great listener that really takes her time with people. Nywnn personifies what it's like to live in a rough world and not let it tear you asunder.
Nywnndelinn has a hay wagon for an ass, how does she get out of bed with that?
by A Nightborn November 16, 2021
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