1 definition by A Part of Racial Rationality

A group started for the black community when the blacks were oppressed in America. During that time, the group was for the equality of blacks. Since then, they have changed to become a group of anti-white, racist blacks who would, ironcially, rather live in the days of hate towards blacks, rather than live in the now where they are considered equal. As long as you're black, the Black Panthers will support you, even if you are a killer or rapist. The Black Panthers will never admit that the ancestors of their "brothers" in Africa played a part in making the blacks slaves by selling them to "whitey," and that there were whites involved with the underground railroads so to free the slaves. They make sure to remember that there were many bastard whites that were pro-slavery and for the hatred towards blacks. They will never remember that there were whites then, and many now, that are not hateful towards the black race and find them to be just as important and valuable as whites.
The Black Panthers have become what they hate most...racists. Congratulations, Black KKK.
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