1 definition by A M K

Moronic youth who hang out at Fast Food chains like it were an episode of Saved By The Bell.

Speech, un-unqiuely undeveloped (and stolen from african-american movies), music tastes tend to be extremely cliche and following the war-cry of their Muzza brethren; only date underage girl's who don't know no better.

(Here's a tip boys, how about you develop the craft a little and spray paint something that actually matters... Same goes to that "Drix" fucker)
Person One: Uh, who sprayed "3173 Boyz" randomly on that wall?
Person Two: *shrugs* Some fucktard

Keysys / Keysy boy: Oi bro! Who wrote "Muzza Fucktard" over that graffiti I dun last week?
by A M K October 10, 2006
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