1 definition by 704Area

A group consisting of 3 real ass niggas all coming together to succeed as one.
Members are
Tay- A.K.A 1PM( One punch man) got the name from knocking a foolish enemy out in one punch and proceeding to slam his next foe. Cool Calm and Collected and the Legs of the Group. IG @taytriplec
Lo- A.K.A Lofashow.. the Arms of the group.. sets the tone and is on the rise on Instagram. A perfect balance of seriousness and goofy personality. Instagram @lofashow

Zoo- A.K.A DoseOfZ .. The heart of the group and the hothead. Provides spirit and life in the darkest of times and his temper knows no limits.. his intent to destroy his enemies is off the charts but a kind heart lies deep within him and he is the only football player of the group with tay and lo being hoopers.. Instagram @doseofz
As we were walking through the mall me and my fine ass group of girl friends stopped due to Triple Threat being in the mall too. They looked so fine and powerful one of my friends screamed “OMG is that Triple Threat?!!!”
by 704Area March 30, 2020
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