1 definition by 69HyungPaq69

The gathering of homeless men in an abandoned car (usually resembling a red prius) in which an orgy occurs. The hobos typically trash the car and leave condoms and baby mice in the back seat. This sometimes happens in a car that is not even abandoned, but one that is simply parked or is encountering very slow traffic.

This term was established in the movie "The Other Guys"
Hobo #1-"Hey Mike, did you do anything interesting today?"
Hobo#2-"Yea! Ellen left her prius in the strip club parking lot this afternoon. Me and the boys had a nasty soup kitchen in it and we wrecked it. We were suckin down on farts...outrageous fun."
Hobo #1-"No way! Wish i could have been there!"
by 69HyungPaq69 August 7, 2010
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