1 definition by 5th Period Broksi

Manconomics is a Economics classroom( Economics 101 , macro , micro , etc) that is mostly dominated by men ( maybe 1 - 2 women) , therefore fitting the stereotype that women dont follow that career path. The classroom is lead by an "alpha" male , most likely with a beard and a sense of humor ( can also be called Godfather)

"Man day" chants are regular , and happen a lot during the class time, as well as "alpha male" chants and "godfather" chants.
B's and B's is the man rule of manconomics , and can have different meanings. ( Brew and Bitches , etc)
-" And now , we will graph the aggregate demand curv....
--" Alpha male ! , Alpha male ! , Alpha Male!" " AP MANCONOMICS "
by 5th Period Broksi March 2, 2010
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