1 definition by 3 "unsuspecting" girls

misery,substance addiction,cruel and unusual, ridiculous
The post by "jaded case student" was dead on balls accurate. Everything he/she said was true and they are things that my friends and i have either seen or done. Not only is the work load impossible, unless you have a fake major, but the students here are socially inept. The boys would rather spend weekends with their guy friends then with girls. the "parties" that you do go to usually consist of a few people drinking in their rooms, and acting ridiculous, not in a good way. The craziest thing anyone has done at case is drink a bottle of massage oil, thinking it was alcohol, this happened once. The few girls you will meet at case, mostly are ok, but there are always a few who are as socially awkard as the boys, which is saying a lot. The boys that are relatively normal, all have girlfriends from other schools. Do not let the 60-40 ratio fool you. It is a dirty lie to lure unsuspecting girls to this disgusting, repulsive excuse of a university, BECAUSE most of those 60 seem to have little interest in girls and a lot more interest in playing video games all day and night. Some of the professors are nbot just apathetic, but seem to have a genuine disdain for girls. As one professor told a pre-med girl, after she found a mistake in his adding up of her points on an exam, "why do you care, you will be pregnant and at home in a few years anyway." And when you do get exicted about a THEME party, because it is a rare occasion, 20 minutes before you are about to leave, it gets cancelled, because they are already wasted and passed out at 4 p.m. However, there is one corection to "jaded case student" that we would like to make, yes the guys watch massive amounts of porn, the problem is, is that most of the porm is not "regular," its animated, yes ANIMAE porn. Ok, so in summation, if you like to hibernate in your dorm room, drink but almost always only by yourself, are petrified of the opposite sex, think that massive amounts of homework implies a good time, and think that "fiberoptic internet connection" is the sweetest thing ever, than you were made for Case. If not, however, this should serve as a warning, do not be fooled by fake commericals or FAKE DEFINITIONS(hint hint "premed girl").
as quoted by multiple students on an daily basis "Case is the reason for all my drinking!!!!!!!!!"
by 3 "unsuspecting" girls February 12, 2005
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