2 definitions by 0eAthePenis

When you're urinating and you get a burning sensation

Ah, dude.. I pissed and it literally felt like my dick was burning, that shit was painful.
When you're urinating and you get a burning sensation

Ah, dude.. I pissed and I got that fire piss sensation.. it literally felt like my dick was burning, that shit was painful.
by 0eAthePenis October 9, 2015
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Short Worded Syndrome can be used in conversations with someone on the internet and the person replies with for example "ok" "yes" "no" "bye" and nothing else. Come on, I can't be the only person that hates getting short replies. Therefore I have created a word for it!
Guy: Hey Jack, wanna play on Steam?
Jack: no
Guy: sws
Guy: Hey Jack, wanna play on Steam?
Jack: no
Guy: short worded syndrome lol
by 0eAthePenis March 5, 2016
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