1 definition by .what..

1) Adjective; A person who does extremely well in figure skating when gassy and drinks a lot of pina coladas.

2) Noun; A man/woman who farts too much, and usually adds the phrase "Miss Piggy" in their sentences.

An alternate name for this would be a "fartfart".

3) Cayceing; Verb; The act of running while being overly bloated; being really gassy.
This could also mean you're fartilicious, but there is no difference
1) That person over there is a real cayce with that pina colada in their hand.

You're a literal cayce, don't even.

2) Hey Cayce!
Cayce, get over here!

3) I'm cayceing at this very moment!
Stop cayceing, it isn't good for you.
by .what.. July 9, 2022
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