2 definitions by ...damn...

A man who knows what he wants. What he wants is a pile of steamy hot cum from 8 different guys to slide down his throat and fill his trucker belly. He likes to get ass blasted while on the road from lot lizards as well.
That guy Steven Sanders sure is into men!
by ...damn... August 8, 2022
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A beautiful girl, with stunning eyes that sparkle in the light, a breathtaking face that you could stare at all day, and the best personality ever. She's a one of a kind type of girl and if you get the chance to meet her, keep her, she will bring you more happinessthan anyone ever could. She is the most amazing girl I've ever met and I'm so grateful for her.
"That's my girl Reily. I love her so much!"
by ...damn... May 4, 2015
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