2 definitions by .-.-.-.-,-.-,.-.-,-,/,/(2?3?:!

The bratty girl who made to many appearances on dance moms that we thought was an immature girl that just liked to entertain 5 years olds with a weird obsession with rainbows and bows, that actually was just a plain out lesbian.
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Jojo Siwa is the bratty girl with a receding hairline that made to many appearances on Dance Moms, and some how can make your ears bleed because she talks so fast. She sings about being confident and her “high top shoes” while a montage of her playing base ball appears. Jojo Siwa is straight up scary, she talks so fast you would think she sold her soul to satin. She wears her hair in a ponytail up to the side with at least 3 hair ties that have slowly pulled her hair back until you can see her whole damn forehead.
*You go on YouTube and click on a Jojo Siwa video with headphones in*
*You sadly but suddenly die cause you bled out of your ears cause to much blood loss*
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