1 definition by *xoxo_heiress*

I've spent countless hours on he hex. Zen gave me a one karma, and then Sugz was complaining about me being a hawt cheerleader. lol Love to both of them!!! I named my baby duck Zen. I have a major crush on Zen too... The best website out there. I like the Hex more than NewGrounds... To visit the hex or not to visit the hex. Silly question!!! Right now the hex is "experiencing database connection errors," which makes me oh so sad. It's not your fault Zen. I mean what other site fans would reload and retype a post 6 times just to be able to post? We hexxors would!!! I love you Zen!!!
To visit the hex or not to visit the hex is like "to breath or not to breath."
by *xoxo_heiress* April 6, 2005
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