37 definitions by 🧠🧠🧠

Nacho libre larde and in charge cream puff marshmallow fluff fat and furious luchador supremo 18 lb Chihuahua
A Annie is a fat qiez
by 🧠🧠🧠 October 18, 2020
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A 18 pound Chihuahua that is awesome and growls at every other dog and is also a qiez she hates most people accept her awesome owner and his family she's an awesome dog that is very fluffy on Gabriel Iglesias' scale she's a number 6
A Annie is a very very obese Chihuahua who is a awesome qiez
by 🧠🧠🧠 October 18, 2020
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The action of viciously yeeting someone through a window while yelling hurg.
To hurg is to throw someone through a window while screaming HURG!!!
by 🧠🧠🧠 October 18, 2020
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Someone who adds words to a dictionary a synonym to lexicographer
A Leadophile is someone who adds words to a dictionary or writes a dictinary
by 🧠🧠🧠 October 18, 2020
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When a outside cat knocks on a door by standing up and hitting it with their paws to let their owner know that they're hungry
Cats that use cat knocking often cat back talk because they have attitudes act like dogs they often have the attatudes of a Dwight d esien-meower Wich makes them one.
by 🧠🧠🧠 October 18, 2020
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