4 definitions by 💕


One of the most beautiful girls in the world 🌎 I hope she has the best birthday 🎉
Shanequa is very pretty
by 💕 November 25, 2021
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She is very loving ,sweet and many people enjoy her company .she is very charming and extremely talented .Ezzah care about the other’s emotions and make sure that others are feeling okay before herself ,Ezzah is the first to defend someone in an argument and she are confident and healthy.
Ezzah she’s maybe a little bit sensitive but don’t worry she always be right there when you need her
by 💕 April 6, 2019
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Lexús is a really beautiful name for a girl they are always pretty and loyal and respectful but are sassy
by 💕 November 25, 2021
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Lexús is the most beautiful name for a girl they are usually really pretty loyal but are really sassy .
Lexús is rlly pretty
by 💕 November 25, 2021
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