1 definition by 湾岸

A Japanese word slang for “tuning” or “modifying”.

The original meaning of Kaizo in Japanese is “reconstruct” or “modify”. And the word can be used in a way referring to remodeling something and or changing a setup.

However This term is typically used by 走り屋 (Street racers) or in general Car people. It refers to Tuning a Vehicle or modifying a car with aftermarket performance Tuning parts.
Jon: yo how’s the GT-R doing bro.
Ty: ah not too bad man. Just got it done by Mine’s Motorsports over in Yokosuka, it went through some kaizo. It’s bumping about 600hp now
Jon: ah shit man nice. Mine’s is badass when it comes to doing to kaizo on GT-R’s
by 湾岸 December 18, 2022
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