1 definition by ♡Someone Special♡

♡Smart, beautiful ladies with dirty blonde/brown, shoulder length, straight hair. Funny and sarcastic, but sassy. She knows what she wants, and will fight to get it. Hard to anger, but can be overpowering. She feels the need to be dominant, the alpha, and when she's not she will create the illusion that she is. Though Nylah has a lot of good things about her, she always hides feelings that she believes would hurt people. Deep down, she doesn't really want to hurt anyone, and she gets guilty easily. That is what makes her so kind and caring. She is very protective, and when she makes friends she will guard them with her life. Sort of clingy. Her laugh is contagious, and she is the life of the party. ♡
Friend 1 ~ Hey, Nylah's coming over today! I can't wait!

Friend 2 ~ I know! I'm so excited! This is going to be so much fun!!

Boy 1 ~ Wow look at Nylah. She always walks so confidently! I wonder how she does it.
Boy 2 ~*zoned out and drooling* hehe....
Boy 1 ~ dude... she's taken... *scoots away from boy 2*.
by ♡Someone Special♡ June 22, 2018
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