2 definitions by ໓ēfiຖiti໐ຖ ໐งērl໐r໓

When you are genuinely so bored that you have typed every QWERTY keyboard combination when you are supposed to be doing your homework. Wait! There's another!! Type every single key on the QWERTY KEYBOARD from left to right-top to bottom: INCLUDING NUMBERS AND PUNCTUATION!! Congratulations. You have officially achieved such a high level of boredom that you are now a level 100 mafia boss. And I am now a level 1 crook for being this cringy.
Partner 1: Dude I'm so bored, but we have this project due.
Partner 2: Bro!! I have an idea!! Get your computer
Partner 1: I know what you're thinking dude, QWERTY combos?
Partner 2: Bro yes, there's this really cool one with letters, numbers, AND punctuation
Partner 1: Oh yeah, dude I know.

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