1 definition by أبوك

He’s lowkey a harami but had kind of a good heart,He is a 10 on his bad days and a 69 on his good ones , cares for people ,is selfless for a few people and fucks with people who only fucks with him (loves and fight)he will never start a fight (maybe)and he has the best halal:haram ratio and has an ability to do whatever the fuck he wants, if he really wants someone or something He will do anything to obtain it.
He is too halal for the haramis and too haram for the halalis, doesnt smoke/drink ,is lowkey self obsessed and will love ppl who he finds are genuine or pure hearted and HE can fuck anyone up 😊
Yo , Just dont fuck with Raseh that mofo will beat the shit out of you
by أبوك November 23, 2021
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