1 definition by :^^^)

E-boys are boys on the internet who hit on girls on the internet. They constantly brag about having nudes from esluts yet you can tell that they spent hours and hours, asking people for the imgur link. (cough) These boys will have multiple girls added. Sometimes in drastic cases, the boy will be talking to his friends and if you mention a girl, he will go through everyone's friendslist just to add the girl and then tell her "Yeah my friend sent me."

Basically, these people are overall jokes and should just stop trying to be alpha as fuck when they aren't even .000006th of a real man.
girlgamer69: "Hey, this guy added me and he said that his friend you sent him..."
You: "He is an e-boy, he adds every girl and tries to get nudes. Dont talk to him."
by :^^^) July 31, 2017
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