1 definition by **Brigitte**

A word created by a high school-aged girl in the year 2008, which is a comical replacement of any word in the whole entire English dictionary. You make up your own meaning. Typically used to replace words like shit or fuck or darn it, and also to refer to a person. (hey katie!=hey shnug!) this word is especially funny when used around people who are not in on this joke.
ex 1) Hey Shnug! Come over here
ex 2) Mind passing me the shnug?
ex 3) SHNUG YOU!
ex 4) I have so much shnug to do.
ex 5) Damn that outfit is so shnug.
ex 6) Oh shnug.
ex 7) You comin to the party? eh shnug.
by **Brigitte** March 2, 2008
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