18 definitions by #s r = 2 letters

The opposite of a vegetarian, one who eats only steak.
John is a god damn steakatarian
by #s r = 2 letters April 18, 2019
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Epic Meal Time (EMT) is a meal, usually late at night, in which the most tasty, savory, sweet and unhealthy foods are consumed.
John: Yo you know what time it is?
Dingus:2 am?
John: No, it’s Epic Meal Time you fucking faggot
by #s r = 2 letters May 15, 2018
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He state of being a feminaziist Hilory Clinton supporter.
"You know, those femofascists and femocrats are takin over the world"- ononymous republican
by #s r = 2 letters June 9, 2017
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