1 definition by #legitness is key😉😋😜

A Lia is a sexy chic. She's really sweet and she's always there for you anytime you need her. She is often really short, but don't let that fool you. You'll normally find her playing softball or working out. She loves going to the beach and she really enjoys her time with her boyfriend. No fancy dinners, just a simple movie and ice cream will make her day. She has amazing long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. Any guy would be lucky to have her. The guys that notice her think that she's their absolute world. She's a little shy but she's never afraid to share her opinion. And whatever you do don't get on her bad side, she makes one heck of a fighter.😉😂
Guy1: Did you see that girl yesterday?
Guy2: Did she have long blonde hair and ice blue eyes?
Guy1: YAH that's her. I...
Guy2: That's Lia and she's mine. I call DIBS!
Guy1: That's not fair!!
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