1 definition by "Special" Ed

We are not a cult and don't worship satan.

We don't come onto urbandictionary.com to mark all the wrong definitions, wrong. We come on to laugh at all the incompetent, ridiculous, uneducated entries.

We haven't practiced polygamy for a few hundred years, just like any other religion did way back when.

Mormon guys are hott! and so are Mormon girls!

And, yes, we strive to be the best people that we can and try to be nice to everybody. So typically mormons are usually pretty friendly people.

We have friends that aren't mormon. Just usually not those that are druggies or alcholics or whatever.

I won't object to that fact that some mormons put themselves up on a pedestal thinking that they're better than everyone else because they're mormon, but that's not all mormons. I try to treat all people equally, no matter what religion they are.

We don't let anyone in our temples unless they are a worthy member of the LDS church. Not just if they're a member. They also have to be worthy.

I think that's about it. So for all of you mormon haters, whatever. You can go on thinking we're whatever you think we are, but you'll never know the truth unless you actually ask a true mormon.
Mormons don't:
Have magical underwear. =)
All love jello.
Not perfect.
Just normal people like you.
by "Special" Ed March 19, 2008
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