1 definition by "GIMME YO CHANGE!!" - OBAMA

A socio-political system that, in theory, is a FLAWED IDEA, yet when put into action, becomes a COMPLETELY SELF-DESTRUCTIVE NIGHTMARE. Anyone who claims that Marx was a genius or that communism will work if it is not explicitly 'Stalinist' is not a clear-headed person and probably shouldn't be trusted. An accurate summary of Communism, in a nutshell, is John Lennon's "Imagine". Everybody lives in harmony, blowing kisses and skipping hand-in-hand under the rainbow without a care in the world. But Communism kills all incentive to create one's own success, because in the end everybody works for whatever the Government deems to be "in the nation's best interest". Why would someone create a product that might otherwise yield great profit if they don't stand to get filthy rich off of it? Answer: they wouldn't. That's the fatal flaw. No profit incentive = no entrepreneurship = no trade = no money = a broke citizenry = a broke government = an economic collapse and a rude awakening. If u disagree, just shut up because you're wrong anyway.
With Communism: "I'm gonna start a company that makes flashlights. Question: "why?" Response: "uhhh good question. nevermind".

With Capitalism: "I'm gonna start a company that makes flashlights. Question: "why?" Response: "Because that's what people need right now and they will buy it if they think its a good product. I'll get really really rich and then ill buy a new house, which will cost lots of money to pay for and lots of workers to build. And the workers will build it because they get that money, which they will use to pursue their own interests in life".
by "GIMME YO CHANGE!!" - OBAMA October 14, 2009
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