1 definition by "]["[[]][[]][_4LIFE

Any person who does not like the band Tool, most namely any person who bashes the band or their fans calling them simpleton insults such as "Tool Fag" or "Tool Snob". A Fagger can be easily defined as someone with no sense of musical appreciation and usually listens to horrible emotional crap that takes no talent or originality and is really just a tweaked rip off of someone else's music with bitchy lyrics about white middle class problems. Synonymous with "White Pussy", "Musically Retarded", "Musically Handicapped", and just plain "Faggot".
Fagger: "Dude, whatever, Meynard's super angry, and Travis Barker's way better than their drummer. You're a Tool Snob."
Tool Fan: "Fuck you, fagger. I'd explain to you how you're sadly wrong, but you just can't get through to a fagger."
by "]["[[]][[]][_4LIFE January 8, 2010
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