1 definition by Lazer Beamzz

A WOMAN BEATER is more or less a psychopath. He is the kind of man that always complain about your food, looks, lifestyle, sexual intercourse and how you do things or he is always bittered anytime he looks at you, that man does not appreciate you nor does he know your worth and he is most likely to beat you out of resentment in future.

If he Has Beaten you before he Probably Will do it Again
This is a great sign that your partner will beat the hell out of you more and more, whether he later cautioned himself or whether he finally landed the hand or punch on you. He might apologise or blame satan for his acts, because he cant nor will he ever take blame or responsibility for being a Woman Beater, he will even shower his woman with with gifts and or promises to visit a counselor. Do not be deceived because he will finally shower you with punches after hooking you up.
Woman beaters do not love their women. What they call love others call control and possession.

They beat their women because they keep thinking can get away with it, because it is how woman beaters have learned to control their women to get what they want.
That guy Kevin has been beating on all his women and children for the past 30 years, and ruined three familys ...no wonder he cant keep a family together, his such a dirtbag, and a woman beater.
by Lazer Beamzz September 28, 2018
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