A Slovenian lastname, with the possible name variations of Zadel, Zader, Zaden, Sadeu, Sadaneu, Zaduu, Sadu, Shadu, Sadov, Shadou, and Shadov.

Possible meanings of the name Zadnik in the parish of Slavina:

1. Assessor
2. Military guard
3. Sharpshooter

The name Zadnik was originally derived from the name Zadel. It was during the years 1810 - 1839 that it became an alternative name.
The surname Zadnik means Assessor.

(A person who makes assessments)
by Intelli July 14, 2009
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A Bulgarian word for ass. Unusable in English.
The Bulgarian word "zadnik" means "ass" in English.
by Zu August 13, 2005
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the end of your back where you sit
the anatomic organ you sit on
ti imash mnogo golqm zadnik be
by Kingto April 9, 2005
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