Whovian: My otp is Yowzah.
Non-Whovian: What's yowzah?
Whovian: The perfect couple. River and Eleven.
by whoviannnn September 11, 2013
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Used to describe the emotion that comes when something extreme and unexpected happens
Rachel: We are totally getting married!

Justin: I know. YOWZAH!
by Justin Chandler April 21, 2008
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Yow'zah!: an exclamation indicating excitement, usually associated with the observation of an event or object that greatly exceeds the ordinary
Yowzah! That's a HUGE wart you've got on your nose.
by de Finable January 19, 2012
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yowzah as in geronimo gererally screamed whilst on an adrenalin rush
person on rollercoaster "yowzah" more likely "yowwzzah"
by the ric September 13, 2005
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