A slang term for a small penis. Used as an insult.
Oh my god, Brad is such a yickling.
by bleedbleed February 25, 2017
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A section of hair grown longer than the rest of the hair on the scalp, typically grown on one side of the head, and combed across the scalp with the intention of concealing male pattern baldness. Also known as a combover, the yickle is common among engineers, accountants and computer store employees.
Man, did you see that guy's yickle flapping in the breeze?
by pt67 July 28, 2006
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Someone who is turned on by twisting off the nipples of their partner in bed
Tristiannna: shittt yesterday my bf pulled a yickle on me Elise: damnnnn girl sounds rough hope ur okay girlypop🥵
by Stretchy nipper grippers January 11, 2023
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