The ultimanium,ultranium,impossibilium of insults. stronger than Shaggy,Shrek,Waluigi,Thanos,u mom gae,no u,reverse card,yes me and all other infinitiveniums.
A:u mom gae
B:no u
A:reverse card
B:reverse reverse card
A:reverse card infinity
B:no u infinity
A:yes me
B:yes me infinity
A:oh no
A had become Ab and then G# then G etc. until implosion.
by UltraJackio325/E030E03 March 24, 2019
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When you get a little silly and goofy, kinda like having a stroke.
Terry is having an ozi ye me!
by Jasontoddisyummy September 15, 2022
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Getting a little silly and devious all at once, kinda like a stroke
Terry is having an ozi ye me!
by Jasontoddisyummy September 12, 2022
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The Curse-ye-ha-me-ha, also known as the Shin-ye-ha-me-ha, is one of the many moves of Christian Weston Chandler, better known online as Chris-Chan. It is frequently used against many of Chris's adversaries, such as trolls, jerkops, and Mary Lee Walsh. It is done in the exact same way as the Kamehameha from Dragon Ball and its later sequels. The way Chris learned this move is unclear, although it was likely from an episode of Excel Saga, in which a "Nabehameha" is used, which is named after the series director.
"When cursing, I fell enraged or angry; I channel that energy between my hands, gathering them in and throwing them towards either the target I'm angry at, or the ground or skyward; a choice of words are optional, but they do seem to add more oomph to the attack." - Christian Weston Chandler, describing how the Curse-ye-ha-me-ha is performed.
by The Mudpie June 12, 2022
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