The last name of Finn Wolfhard the best actor known to man kind.
omg have you seen Finns new outfit?
Ya wolfhard looks amazing.
by RichieTozier2 December 21, 2017
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Someone who won't/refuses to brush their hair.
Example One: Jimmy stop being such a wolfhard and brush your hair! We are having company over!

Example Two: Actor Finn Wolfhard from Netflix's hit show, Stranger Things.
by Mr.Kittens0301 March 12, 2017
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Actor in stranger things who plays Mike and is the sweetest person ever. Incredibly talented. Meme king. Deserves to be loved by everyone.
by Claudia Burrin March 3, 2017
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Finn Wolfhard is the worlds most amazing child actor :)
Omygod you are such a Finn Wolfhard!
by Sambobbybrown March 2, 2017
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An actor in stranger things that plays Mike. The sweetest person ever. Incredibly talented and nice to everyone around him. A 14 year old meme king. Deserves to be loved by everyone
by Claudia Burrin March 3, 2017
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A 14 year old child actor who played Mike in the Netflix original series Stranger Things. Many fans call him a meme-lord.
Hey, did you hear Finn Wolfhard guest-starred on a few episodes of Game Grumps?
by DarkyDarcy March 5, 2017
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The greatest actor known to man kind! THE meme lord! His birthday is on December 23 and is almost 16. He’s a blessing that deserves the whole universe ;D
Finn Wolfhard is the greatest meme lord known to man kind
by Eggo’s :D December 18, 2017
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