The Box Game is where a number of lads, preferably in the range of 3 to 4, sink a 12 box of beer in quick succession, bar a certain number of bottles offered by the equation: x = n(lads). With this equation expressing the number of beers that must be retained, they are then removed from their box. With the box, the smoker of the group shall light the top of the box, and it is then a competition in sequence, much like a spelling bee, to place the box upon one's head and scull their beer, and only then can the box be placed upon the next candidate's head. The game stops when somebody quits as the box quickly incinerates towards one's cranium.

It is an increasingly competitive code, with a special appearance at the 'Games of the I Olympiad', today known as the Summer Olympics, which were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.
Damn bro, we should so do the box game and see this munter burn his scalp again
by shizzleboii November 17, 2017
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a selfish individual who is always on a particular arcade game, especially when you want to play.
That damn game hog won't get his ass out of the pole-position machine!
by extraz February 13, 2006
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a relatively known roblox anime youtuber, known for playing games like Anime Battle arena, Your bizarre adventure, and many other anime games. He is also known for his catchphrase "WHAT IS UP, KTG SQUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD"
person 1: hey dude have you seen ktg gaming's new video?
person 2: yeah man it was fire, i liked the "KTG SQUAAAAAAAAAAAD" scream
by ClearlyUnknown September 3, 2021
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When your relative chases you and grabs you by the balls.
Bob, Jim, and their uncle Scott like to play the hulk game.
by Jfkrhxjsvvsjsjeehvzshiwj August 23, 2018
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Absolutely horrendous flirting with a bird, equivalent of a war crime. Often just nodding and responding ‘aye’ to everything she says and laughing awkwardly.
Look at that kid dropping fossy game on that 2
by Adam Johnson The Third November 2, 2022
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That's right folks! It's time for another round of THE BLAME GAME! WOOOOO!!! 🥳🥳🥳
Hym "TAKE EVERYTHING LEFT FROM ME! All! TO! BLAME! DURMDURMDURMDERMDURMDURM! DURMDURMDURMDERMDURMDURM (But palm muted)! DURM! DURM! DURM! DURM!🤘😝🤘 The Blame Game! That'll be the name of my Youtube news channel! Blame game. The. The Blame Game. And the interesting thing about 'Blame' (in general) is that it's more useful as a 'framing device' that it is as a 'mechanism for solution generation'. I'll give you an example: 'Good' people don't blame other people for their problems. By trying to blame other people your are now TO blame and are, therefore, the 'Bad' on. FAULT is irrelevant as the attempt to blame is perceived as admission of guilt. This how 'Blame' is used as a framing device. Now, here is an example of how it is useless as a solution generation mechanism: A person does a thing. They are to blame for doing said thing.... That is all. There is no deduction that can be made from this reality. Any deduction that CAN be made from this reality is little more than mythologizing. You said it was a war. The war on immorality has been raging for thousands of years (So no, no one alive has started anything here). There are some casualties. That is all. Enjoy your war."
by Hym Iam March 28, 2023
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A game where a group of friends cum on a different friends lips and the loser (whoever cums last) must kiss the target on the lips.
"Ean make sure you're asleep for the Ean Game!" "What's the Ean Game!?"
by Huntsac December 17, 2015
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