Wiktoria is a ginger from Poland who has an unhealthy obsession with skaters.
Whenever a boy shows any interest she gets attached and paranoid. She has massive balls and isn’t afraid to double text.
She over uses words like leng, peng, nonce and bro.
She usually slurps all the time.
In her free time she’s either in bed, out at the skatepark or crying to Ashley and Izzy about being ghosted for the 5th time this month.
Ashkey: Oh god Wiktoria is emo again
Izzy: Shes just a ginj at the skatepark
by sketboarded October 20, 2019
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When you have dirty fantasy’s about your history teacher so you shot him and the n fuck his corpse.
by Dirty Wiktoria September 1, 2021
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Born and raised in a bubble called Białystok in Poland, she is the polish version of (a) Becky. She grew up with a silver spoon in her mouth, so needless to say she's naive and thinks everything is made of sunlight and rainbows. She thinks she lights up people's lives and loves it when her friends call her sunshine. Truth is deep down her "besties" believe she has the dimmest future among all of them where she will be surrounded with fuckboys and VSCO girls. In fact, she is that cliché blonde girl in every movie who is so incredibly dumb that she can only think with her big, saggy tits.

She claims she can sing, but has the most annoying voice in the universe. She can't dance if her life depended on it either. She tilts her head everytime she jams to her favorite songs like a crack addict, which is pretty telling.

She tried becoming a consultant for a cosmetic line, which did not last long. It was a definite proof she is talentless no matter how much she calls it a success. Her IG page for the job couldn't gain any more than 100 followers. She didn't even earn that job, her amazing mom spoon feeds everything to her.

She has no personality and skill. She still lives with her parents at 21 and failed the entrance exam to her preferred University so she ended up going to UE.

A PSA from her "friends": we actually can't stand you. Please stop sucking up to us and calling all of us your best friends. Ooh na na eh, don't act like you know us.
1. Ms. Sienkiewicz, your friend Wiktoria Barcewicz was last seen at the beach looking like a tomato after trying to get a sun tan.

2. Hey dude, who's that sket with the wide ass manly shoulders?

Ah, that's Wiktoria. She wasn't invited to the party but here she is.

3. Wiktoria Barcewicz took part in debates, and her group would have won if her dumbass wasn't there. She wants to be a part of big committees, but doesn't have the set of skills for a leadership position so she just participates in activities as an ordinary student.
by kaliuchisluvrr July 13, 2020
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She is nice but people only like her a slither or a but and she isn't he type to chitter chatter she is also polish and has a brother and is friend with he best people mainly named meda
Wiktoria kinal please step forward, you are being arrested for having too good of friends.
by Themmm1 November 11, 2020
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polish girl who is the most stunning, beautiful, funny, gorgeous, sweet and caring peeson you will ever meet in your life. probably she wasnt meant to be here but there she is. noone likes her and she doesnt understand why. unfortunately after what she has been through she is depressed but that doesnt stop her from making you laugh all the time. she has big dreams but they will never come true. so why is she still alive.
oh its wiktoria naroska!
wiktoria naroska
that stupid girl
by toolatesweetie March 20, 2019
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Thicccest woman alive, sexy beast. slightly under 6 foot and has MASSIVE ASS AND TITS.
somebody: damn, did you see that leng girl over there
me: no, why?

somebody: she had massive bunda, must have been Wiktoria Adamska
by Ig_r July 7, 2021
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She’s a beautiful independent girl , she just needs one bestfriend to grow with ,

the name Wiktoria is polish , and a very popular name :) , she’s usually blonde with blue eyes big full lips

She always wants the best for everyone, especially her bestfriend
Woah , Wiktoria Witek is beautiful have you seen her ?!

Boy: yes , she’s definitely my type ;)
by \(;-;)/ July 8, 2019
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