A) Someone who grovels before their enemy.

B) Someone who argues in support of the oppression of their culture, race or sex, in hopes that they will not be individually targeted by the oppressive group.

C) A pathetic coward.
Saying that the rapist should be arrested, then after finding out he was Muslim saying he should not was very white left of Rebecca.
by Language B August 29, 2018
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White left is an insult originating in China. Used to describe decadent liberals in the west whom do not care for their own will; only of other peoples' will.
Wow, the white left really likes immigrants and to elevate females above themselves! Kinda weird!
by sherpaswithaltitude April 9, 2018
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A symbolism for people of the aromantic community, an aromantic means someone who experience little or no romantic attraction.
She wears a white ring on left middle finger! She must be aro.
by Gikochinai razuberi December 8, 2019
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