1)A way to express happiness, joyfulness, or hyperness.

2) Something someone yells when they are riding something at a carnival, theme park, etc.
by Janine February 26, 2005
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An expression used to show happiness, joyfulness, or hyperness to someone. Something to yell when you're having fun or at random. whee weeeeeeeeeee
by Janine February 26, 2005
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A joy-filled, active, fun-loving weekend. whee! weekend
Tony: So my girl and I skiied all day Saturday and rode the coasters all Sunday. And that's after the Friday night cruise around the bay.
Tina: Sounds like you had a wheee!kend.
by bob beeflips April 21, 2008
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birds have wings, did you know birds have wings?!?! And they can fly, BIRDS GO WHEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahana: birds went whee last night

Saskia: oh yeah i love when birds go whee, its great!

Ahana: omg how many times did birds go wheee?
by Birds go Whee-er August 28, 2022
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