It isn't "west" of anything. A tiny town in the middle of Alabama, where nothing ever happens and the town is run by a bunch of mischievous old people who think they are still hip. Dogs run a muck. And no one ever knows the speed limit.
Person 1: Ever heard of West Blocton?
Person 2: No, is there an East Blocton, perhaps?
Person 1: Nope.
by crimsongirloh10 December 15, 2010
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The middle of fucking no where. Simmilar to a barren wasteland with lots if incest. All inhabitants of this town worship satan and are addicted to crack.
Jimmy: Hey Jesus wanna go to West Blocton!!
Jesus: Oh hells naw G I ain't touchin that shit.
by Westbamaian September 26, 2006
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