this was made by Dan hall And is my word/phrase if u would like to use it u may, it means to do something really well and also can be used as humour.
fall over and say there we go like a pro that would be for humour.
this is only really used for humour remember this and use it well ;)
by iDanimal May 5, 2011
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a chant at a rager, but mostly a sign that a group of guys have been drinking quite a bit.

you'll here it loud and proud, and if you try and keep it quiet it just gets louder.
by itsmebitches... August 8, 2009
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What one says before performing cunnilingus on their main squeeze, preferably in a Lecter-esque tone of voice.
If you need an example, you're nowhere near smooth enough to pull this off successfully. Get a job.
by Burmecion January 20, 2004
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This is the type of friendship that blurs all lines to even be considered platonic. All your friends and family are convinced something deeper is going on because of the undeniable connection. Y’all try to play it cool but deep down you both know there’s something there
Stop acting like we just friends. We friends but we go together, now cancel on him and let’s go
by SameLexi July 27, 2022
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When its that time and you know your in for it.
CJ: Ah shit, Here we go again.
by Walugie April 18, 2019
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ah shit here we go again
ah shit here we go again
by Jerrymiah June 10, 2019
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Something that is mandatory to say when you do something that is usually hard and now you must do it again because of unknown circumstances. Frequently said when encountering Sans in a dark alleyway and accidentally playing 'Hey Ya' by Outkast a second time. Originally from GTA: San Andreas.
You: *Finished listening to Hey Ya*

You: wow what a good song.

Hey Ya: *Plays again*

You: ah shit, here we go again

Mom: *calls your name*

You: What??

Mom: *says nothing*

You: ah shit, here we go again
by stonedweeb May 8, 2019
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