My man is chatting wass.
Stop chatting wass.
by Death. March 16, 2018
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Also spelled wassin' - the act of wiping spit, snot, or any other type of bodily exriment onto a window.

The game of wassin', played like "ding dong ditching" where one goes up to a door, spits on the door (mucus, feces), rings the bell and runs away. This game can be played with a group where multiple people spit on multiple windows before the doorbell is rung.
Hell yeah, i was wassing on all of her windows. She'll have a fun time cleaning that up.
by Frank The Cook January 22, 2011
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“that girl over there was chatting wass about you man
by fmullah April 16, 2019
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when people are chat breeze and they are a snake
soulman is a wass guy
by steffie kay September 5, 2010
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When someone is speaking or talking nonsense.
Tom: "I heard you slept with Olivia"
John: "Why you chatting wass"
by dictodickhead September 3, 2019
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To define that someone is talking bad about you or someone. It is also slang.
by ×-0 June 21, 2019
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