When a gang of alien gutter scum abduct your future ex-wife and debate the merits of raping her before selling her into slavery while you get drunk in the cantina, lose 2/3 of your "bankroll" playing pazaak to billion year old demons, and haggle with a teenage scrapper slut for a custom astromech droid that can slice into state of the art military security systems and doesn't come with the whiny bitchy backlip of R2-D2.
Revan thought that a weeks wages at the mandated minimum on Alderaan was too high a price to pay for T3-M4 but if he hadn't been such a Jew maybe Bastilla would not have been Black Vulkarized. I don't think the walls of her vaginal canal ever recovered after that alien sank his tether hooks into it.
by Airtime SoBig December 14, 2021
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