To shit in a fan so that it blows all around getting everywhere.
Man I gave Eboni a Virginian Blizzard while she was sleeping. She woke up mad as hell.
by MsQtPie83 February 23, 2007
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1.A person native to the land of West Virginia.

2.A person who likes to have sex with other members of their family.

3.A redneck who could not figure out 2+2 if it was written right in front of his face.
Hey you and your sister are really close, hey could you be a west virginian
by Tony Cavielo May 9, 2004
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when your cock weighs so much that your partner feels like theyve been body slammed when you gator slap them with it.
"Last night i was so wasted"
"No way?! What happened?"
"This dude gave me a virginian body slam and now my ass hurts."
by 1337H4CK3R February 22, 2008
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The method by which a penis or any part of a penis is removed by the involuntary bite caused by kicking in the jaw a person whom is currently engaged in the act of felating said penis.
"Hpw do you circumcise a guy from West Viginia?"

"I don't know, how?"

"You kick his sister in the mouth..."

"oh so that's a west virginian circumcision."
by The Roogle May 7, 2009
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While performing a self induced goatse, arch your back and stick your ass outward towards either a crowd; or up to, but no more than 3 people. This all happens while being spun on some sort of slowly rotating apparatus. This move was coined in Virginia one year after it's colonization in 1620 by a town drunk. Nobody in the area knew his the man's name but he was widely known for his gape strategy. Hundreds gathered on a weekly basis to see the "Virginian People Pleaser" and used the act as a form of entertainment.
"Showed my Dad, Mom and Uncle what a Virginian People Pleaser was, can I crash here for a few weeks?"
by Guantilahaari January 1, 2022
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To be a virgin; To be pure of something. Or to be an actual virginian coal miner(which is most likely to be a virgin).
Man, that too good of a church boy peter is such a virginian coal miner.

That skeezy ho lorrie is not a virginian coal miner

Nathan Wayne Harris = Virginian Coal Miner

by PLN September 21, 2008
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A west virginian lawn mower is when an individual cums into his hand and places his hand on his partner's unshaved pussy, gives it time to dry, then rips his hand away. Usually performs with said individual's mother.
Yo dawg i gave my mom a wild west virginian lawn mower last night, no shave november does have its benefits.
by boboscala November 18, 2014
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