A jabbing motion with the hand, similar to that "you're fired" thing Trump does on his show, but way more bad ass and sexy. Often performed repeatedly with alternating hands when the "striker" is really excited about something. Perfected by Megan.
At the Harry Potter premier, Megan was doing that viper hand strike like mad! She was goin' crazy because HP is the shit, man!
by Pao January 26, 2007
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A jabbing motion with the hand, similar to that "you're fired" thing Trump does on his show, but way more bad ass and sexy. Often performed repeatedly with alternating hands when the person is really excited about something. Perfected by Megan.
At the Harry Potter premier, Megan was doing that viper hand strike like mad! She was goin' crazy because HP is the shit, man!
by P. R. January 18, 2007
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